commercial ductwork

Signs That You May Need to Replace Commercial Ductwork in El Paso, TX

October 19, 2020

Commercial ductwork in El Paso, TX, is essential because it can impact your indoor air quality and comfort. In that regard, you need an effective system that won’t give you any trouble. Here are signs that you need to replace your commercial ductwork.

High Energy Bills

If you notice that the utility bills are skyrocketing, the commercial ductwork could be losing energy through leaks. Our service technicians can perform a thorough inspection to check for any issues. If it’s beyond repair, a technician will replace the ductwork.

Once you get new ductwork, you will experience an energy-efficient system. Plus, you will pay lower electricity bills since the unit will be working more efficiently without loss of heat or cooling through leaks.

Old Ductwork

Old ductwork of about 15 years needs replacement since some parts experience wear and tear. Plus, some of the ducts have asbestos that is utterly dangerous to your health; this is particularly possible if your house dates back to the ’70s or earlier when this kind of insulation was banned. You may need an upgrade to get a more effective and safer ductway in El Paso, TX.

Strange Odors

If there are musty smells in your building, the ductwork is no longer functional. For instance, if you walk into your office and get a smell of rotten eggs, that’s a clear indication you need a new installation. It means that the air filters are not trapping the unpleasant smells.

Uneven Temperatures

Your commercial ductwork should warm the indoor space when it is chilly outside. However, if it is giving you uneven heating, then there’s a problem with the ductwork. We can restore your ductwork so that your building can be at a comfortable temperature.

Noisy Operation

Noisy commercial ductwork can be annoying and hinders productivity. If you hear rattling sounds, the ducts could be the root cause of the problem. Holes in the ductwork could cause the noisy operation.

Contact us at Scott Heating, Cooling & Plumbing for ductwork installation. Our team of technicians will guide you every step of the way.

Image provided by iStock

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